p3 alpha

Download P3Alpha HERE: 

Windows Build: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xsQcz3nl7B5rPBxj_WP0xDdK5e_i1n6F?usp=sha...
Mac Build: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sQju285MqyooCo8HmuLmH3TrkNAzgWEk

What's new? 

This week, we introduced a client-server-based multiplayer system.  We introduced an additional scoring system using jewels. We removed our death/posession system (with plans to bring it back, see "What's next" section).  Instead, when ghosts run into you, they steal jewels. We also added sounds and a storyline (with cutscenes) to our game.


Although in previous playtests, our posession mechanic seemed to be the most fun part of our game, we struggled with the negative feedback loop caused after one player died so we removed it this week to see how the game would be without the posession mechanic. We introduced a scoring system with jewels instead. We also wanted to start adding more juice to our game, so we added sounds and cutscenes.

What's next? 

- Giving a reward for delivering the most items to the door.
- Creating a scoreboard for who collects the most jewels, including ghosts on the scoreboard.
- Bringing back our posession mechanic; players can use jewels to become dead temporarily, and can switch inventories with another player during that time frame.
- Giving players the same keyboard controls across.
- Adding more juice.

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